The development of NFT as a technology has opened a world of possibilities for artists to explore their potential, yet not to safely explore their potential. The flood of artworks is endless and the NFT community is increasingly skeptical and affected by authenticity issues in relation to digital assets.

Through our proprietary technology, we embed a digital certificate directly into the content of each artwork, a process known as steganography. For a digital asset to be verified, it must include specific information about its creator and blockchain transaction, which will make it forever traceable back to its author and current owner.
Another significant issue addressed by our technology is safeguarding artworks against clones by using artificial intelligence, which conducts automatic analysis on the content of the asset, not the file. We examine the artworks on all NFT blockchains (Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain networks) as well as on our own platform and any excessive similarity in the content file is immediately flagged for review. This is where our Review Team steps in and ensures that all published artworks are original.

The word steganography is derived from the Greek words steganos (hidden) & graph (to write) and it represents the technique of hiding secret data within an ordinary file. We translate this into modern digital steganography by embedding a digital certificate directly into the content of each artwork, specifically by inserting confidential data bits in the least significant bit (LSB/Right Most bit) positions of the original image. Thus, without altering the image itself, the secret payload we encode ensures authenticity and eliminates duplication threats.
Our system generates and stores a fingerprint for each unique digital artwork that sits on blockchains by calculating hashes on the pixels rather than the files, and we do so to ensure that when a creator attempts to submit their work, there is no other artwork previously published.

We add an extra layer of security to the artwork verification process by using AI Feature Prints. Thus, whenever a creator publishes a new artwork, the content of that image will be analyzed through AI Feature Prints and any image similarity with existing artworks will be automatically flagged.
Whenever the above digital authentication layers flag potential issues or similarities, the final approval vote is cast by our team of reviewers, but we want to open this process to our community as well. We strongly believe that the beauty of blockchain lies in the level of the trust, shared accountability and collaboration it has made possible. As a result, we've created a very advantageous compensation system using our $AUT token to reward our reviewers when final artwork approval is requested.
The ultimate outcome of our technology are 100% authentic digital assets (NFTs) with an embedded secret payload (or digital certificate) that makes them forever traceable to their author and current owner. For our community, the outcome is a trustworthy digital universe where art is given the attention, respect and security it deserves.

Our tech breaks the brick wall and ads a transparent
layer between the artist and the system.